Friday, March 15, 2013

Otaku Dictionary: Shiny

1)An alternate coloring for pokémon in the Pokémon Games. This was orrignally a fan term but during the Gen IV games became official.

There's also this evil woman in Pokémon Black 2 who kills shinies on purpose because she's a sadist named Bianca


Club Pres. Is Extremely Disappointed

Jk. But everyone did horribly at anime jeopardy the other day. I'll try to make the questions a bit easier this time.
And I'm seriously really close to making this the background for the new Jeopardy game.
Watch this beautiful video to find out why I can't:
Also, for the record I don't plan on playing Jeopardy for a long time, I just don't want to pull an all-nighter the night before and end up with really stupid questions 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Otaku Dictionary: Tankobon

1) The volumes that manga are printed in. They are actually typically a tiny bit smaller than the volumes English-translated manga are released in (see above example, left original, right English translation)

Otaku Dictionary: Mangaka

1) A manga artist, someone who draws manga professionally.
NOTE: The occupation of a mangaka is extremely stressful, and those in the occupation are prone to physical injuries in both the hands and the back (from bending over too much), not to mention extremely stressful. Mangaka also often do not get enough sleep, etc. It's a hard job.
(disclaimer over ^-^)
It's also obscenely hard to find pictures of mangaka in person. Left is Yana Toboso (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler) and Hiromu Arakawa (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Otaku Dicitonary: Chibi

Noun or adjective
1) Small and/or cute, in a good way. An endearing term often used to describe young people or animals. See pictures for reference. More under the pagebreak.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Google Image search Prussia

Not 'Prussia Hetalia', but 'Prussia'
And I'm only posting it here because we have anime Jeopardy tomorrow (remember, I searched 'Prussia' *hint* *hint*)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Another example of NicoNico's beautiful commenting system

And I keep talking about NicoNico because I gave up Tumblr and Facebook for lent. So I have to get my otaku juice somewhere

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Longest Manga Series

It's not actually Detective Conan. According to Wikipedia, its this weird thing that I've never even heard of and has existed since 1976. That's before some of our teachers were born. And apparently its serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump, along with Bleach (#50), One Piece (#30), and Naruto (#38). By list of volumes, since many of the entries are missing chapter lists. Speaking of Detective Conan, it's #24. That"s right, #24. And for fun, I'll point out that Dragon Ball is #96, and the Pokémon Adventures manga is #98.
Also, not that anyone is into Shuuen No Shiori (which has three chapters so far), 150p released an album crossfade today for an album to be released on the 13th. I'm pretty excited, the music is some epic stuff, and almost all of it's new. If you have an NND account you should check it out. It looks kind of expensive, but it's going to be around 26 tracks, which is crazy long. So it's pretty cool.
Also, there's this Asian Market called H-Mart, I don't think it's in Arlington but I know it's nearby. It sells huge boxes of pocky (seriously only a bit smaller than a textbook, it's insane) for only fifteen dollars. You can pay fifteen dollars for one tiny box of pocky on the internet but this thing was HUGE. It was pretty cool, maybe one day everyone could pitch in two dollars and we could get ourselves one of those huge boxes.
...what was I even talking about?
Also, I have a lot of work this weekend but I'll try to update the otaku dictionary soon