Sunday, January 27, 2013

Meeting Info!

Meeting Days: Every Thursday (unless stated not)
Meeting Time: immediately after school (or as soon as possible), to about 3:45 or 4:00
First Meeting: Thursday, February 7th 14th 21st
Meeting Room: Mr. Carroll's room, Room 202

What we will be doing:
Lots of things~ We will definitely watch anime together at some point, but we're not going to do just that (since that could get boring). One thing I really want to do is an Anime-Manga Trivia Jeopardy Game, which I've done before. There might even be prizes sometimes, ranging from cookies to an actual volume of manga. We're probably going to do this on the first day. We also might have a drawing fest or something, where we could sit around listening to Vocaloid or Anime theme songs or J-pop or classical music or something we can all agree on and draw. If we do this I will supply tracing paper for those who lack artistic ability talent, such as me.
Also, while it is much too late this year, I think it would be awesome for the club to go to an anime convention . So there might be some fundraising and talk of which convention to go to.
And if there are any good ideas at the first meeting (or in the comments!), we could do those too. I want this to be a loose club where you can relax and enjoy yourself.
Also, if we do watch anime, I'll try to bring something everyone likes. Just pointing that out.

Q: I won't be able to go to all of the meeting/ I have to miss one/a few meetings. 

A: No problem, I want this to be a chill club. If you have sports, or music lessons, or academic help, or a doctor's appointment, or you're sick, or you have some other important engagement, it's cool if you don't attend. If you can attend but for only ten or fifteen minutes I would really appreciate it if you came, but no pressure. You may miss something important if you miss a meeting, like planning for going to a convention, but there's not much anyone can do about that. I'll post if I'm planning on talking about that on the site, and any details that get decided will also be posted on here.

Q: I can't remember to check the site, will there be a Facebook page or a Twitter page I could follow?
A: Facebook, probably. Twitter, no, unless someone else wants to do it. I don't use twitter.

Any other questions/concerns? Ask in the comments!


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